Friday, 9 December 2016

First Draft Evaluation

First Draft Evaluation
On Friday the ninth of December, Csenge uploaded our first draft of our opening sequence for 'Kin' to YouTube. Overall I believe we are each pleased with the end result however we have each been able to identify several areas which we will aim to improve on for our next draft. In the remainder of this post I will be evaluating our first draft, detailing both the strong and weaker aspects of our opening sequence.

Here I will provide a brief list of the stregths Csenge and I have identified within our first draft, as well as a detailed explanation on some of the key strengths. After completing our first draft, Csenge and I both agreed that overall, the draft is of a decent quality for our first attempt. We believe that the strongest aspects of our piece are the variety of shots and titles. Whilst each of these could be developed, I think they will very much influence our final draft, meaning we will likely directly recreate them for our final draft.

Our peers also commented on the costumes used for the characters within the scene, stating that they immediately informed the viewer of each character's role within the draft.

This is an example of our titles, we used the Century Gothic font as we felt it was fitting for the urban, natural setting.                                  
Complete list of strengths:
  • Use of titles
  • Variety of shots
  • Editing
  • Costumes
However, our draft is not without flaws, as I have detailed in my 'Targets for the next draft' post. Overall, the problems Csenge and I would most likely to solve are: The age of our actors, the inclusion of our the final two scenes, including dialogue, ensure the weather of our scenes remains consistent. Below I will list some possible solutions Csenge and I will use to solve these problems.

Firstly, the problem of casting actors can be solved easily by casting actors who are known to be reliable to turn up without excuse. As well as this, Csenge and I will be re-shooting over the Christmas holiday which is usually a time where not many people are working. This makes it easy to cast actors who are going to be reliable enough to turn up as they are less likely to be busy. This will, in turn, allow Csenge and I to include the final two scenes of the sequence as they require our additional characters 'Tony A' and 'Tony B'. During the meeting between the three characters, dialogue will be exchanged in order to add another layer of sound as well as a development for the story.

Secondly, the inconsistent weather throughout our first draft will be improved by Csenge and I filming the entire sequence on one day. Preferably, we would like to film on a foggy, misty day as this not only creates atmosphere, but also limits varying levels of sunlight, meaning we would be able to film for several hours without the shots seeming inconsistent. However, if we cannot film on a day with these conditions Csenge and I will aim to film on similarly lit days at similar times, meaning any potential inconsistency is limited.

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