Saturday, 12 November 2016

Preliminary Task - Evaluation

Preliminary Task - Evaluation

Now our preliminary film has been completed both in terms of filming and editing, allowing us to upload the final version to YouTube (Which I have linked below).

An example of my group's planning for the film shown via our initial storyboard.
Now that the film has been fully completed, I feel that I am fairly pleased with the final result. I feel that the main reason for the success of the film is my group's in-depth planning at the start of the preliminary task, as this allowed each of us to share a pragmatic understanding of what the film should look like. As my group were easily able to communicate ideas to one another, we were each able to give feedback on suggestions or potential changes to the film. As much as possible, our group members tried to attempt as many tasks as possible, meaning each of us was able to improve our skills in pre and post production of the film.

Megan applying the finishing touches to the editing of our film.
Whilst the film could be argued as being comedic, I feel that for the moment this is not an issue as the film will not be judged on its overall quality. To a potential audience the film would likely reflect my group's urgency to complete the filming of the scene. However I believe that the fluent editing that was used for the film is of a good quality, and would hopefully diminish the misplaced tone and dialogue.

The main criticisms of our film would not relate to the overall quality of the film, but rather the way in which it was completed. As I previously mentioned, our group tried to give each of us separate tasks to complete with regard to the production of the film, however at times myself, and other members of the group felt that our roles were not balanced, and that our final result reflects this. This would be a focal point for me in the final film, as I would try as hard as possible to make sure that my team's roles were balanced, meaning each of us had equal responsibility and influence within the group.

One thing I noticed during a re-watching of our film, was that in several shots, the viewer can momentarily see me looking directly into the camera before giving my lines. This is something I would take note of in the future, as any sense of disorder in the scene immediately removes any verisimiltude the scene has already built up.

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