Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Preliminary Task - Filming

Preliminary Task - Filming

The location of the scene with Oli
checking the lighting via the camera's perspective.
Between the fourth and the eighth of November me and my group began the filming and editing phase of our preliminary task

On our initial day of filming our group decided on the location of the thriller as well as the props that would be featured in the scene. We decided to use the 'Studio' of our schools media department as its large space would make it easy to manouvere the camera for different shots.

We have tried to include as many varying camera shots into our film, as this will give us practise for when we make our final production later in the year. Megan was mostly in charge of the filming of the scene, as we each felt she was the most skilled with choosing which shots to use and how to implement them into our film.

As a group, we managed to complete all of our filming in one day, Friday the fourth of November. This had a positive impact on our group's time frame as it allowed us to focus more on the post-production aspect of the film. This efficient style of shooting will hopefully continue into the production of my final thriller, as it allows flexibility for the group and provides an allowance of time for any problems that could occur.

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